
InetDaemon is a Technical Architect, IT Consultant and Subject Matter Expert in multiple disciplines and designs enterprise-class solutions for the government, military, telecoms and private enterprises. In his spare time, InetDaemon produces this website, InetDaemon.Com which contains more than 800 pages of free tutorials and receives more than 36 million hits each year.

Use WordPress? Tired of updating your blog, updating LinkedIn and announcing the posts on Facebook, and Tweeting it? Want to be able to post once to your blog and have it posted to your Facebook wall, LinkedIn profile and announced on Twitter just by posting to WordPress? Want folks to share your site via Social Bookmarking?

Let InetDaemon show you how

InetDaemon is on Facebook. Apparently slick names like ‘InetDaemon’ are so 20th century..  You have to use a boring e-mail address on Facebook.  Just in case you’re interested, all posts here at are syndicated to InetDaemon’s Facebook Wall.

More on how the integration between the blog here at InetDaemon.Com and Facebook’s Wall in a future post.

InetDaemon is now on Twitter  (@InetDaemon), so now you can see what the ‘Daemon is up to.

is sitting outside the grocery store composing his next post on his Blackberry.

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