
Internet Explorer 9: Overview

Microsoft released Internet Explorer 9 with a new, slim, tabbed interface. Here’s a look at the new Microsoft Web browser.

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Blocking Russian and Chinese SPAM is actually fairly easy.  Unless you communicate in Russian or Chinese, just delete any e-mail that contains any of the special characters either of those languages use.  I’ll admit that Chinese is a bit harder, since there are over 3000 characters in their ‘alphabet’, but using the top 30 or 40 characters should block most of the SPAM.

Blocking Russian and Chinese SPAM from Outlook

RSA Security, maker of the SecureID two-factor authentication system used in many encryption systems and VPN/Remote Access products, was successfully attacked with an "Advanced Persistent Threat". The APT involved a small number of e-mails specifically targeted to the individuals contacted (spear phishing), a bit of social engineering in the e-mail and finally a malcode exel spreadsheet attachment that exploits a 0-day Adobe Flash vulnerability, that Adobe has since patched. Continue reading
Symantec estimates that 1/3 of all SPAM was stopped when Microsoft (with the assistance of the U.S. Marshals and a court order) took steps to shut down the Rustock botnet. Other botnets (Bagle, Festi, Cutwail, Lethic, Grum, Xarvester and others) are stepping into the void left by Rustock. Whether Rustock will remain 'dead', is unclear as the Rustock programmers and Rustock ringleaders are still unidentified and still at large. Continue reading
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