I’ve upgraded InetDaemon.Com with a membership system which offers free and paid memberships.  Memberships became necessary because spammers are signing up to send me spam through the comment system and the contact me form.   Pretty soon, if a spammer want to spam me via the contact form, or via the comments, they will have to pay me money for the privilege. Most spammers walk away when forced to cough up money.

Currently, I’m collecting and organizing the premium content for paid members, starting with several eBook series, audio courses in MP3 format and training videos all focused around certification and job training for Network Operator, Network Administrator and Systems Administrator jobs.   InetDaemon.Com is going to become a premier site for helping people get out of dead end minimum wage  jobs and into good careers in the IT industry.  I want to help people get this training in the most cost effective manner possible.

Until there is premium content, there’s no point in paid memberships. For now, all memberships will be free.  Anyone with a free membership will have the option to upgrade later to one of the paid membership options when they are available.  Paid members will also receive discounts on any webinars or seminars I offer in future,  and will have the ability to directly contact me online to ask a question about the premium content.  The membership fees will help cover the costs of operating this site, and providing training for millions of people who want a better life.

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