Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a hot topic.

There are a lot of  SEO ‘experts’ who will tell you that SEO is the most important thing on earth, or at least the most important thing for a website.  SEO helps, but it isn’t the holy grail of search engine placement, getting linked from other sites is, and in today’s Internet, that’s being highly connected and utilizing social networking.

You should know that search engines don’t search for websites with cool designs, they search for websites that have content (phrases) that matches the search phrase you typed in.   The primary way surfers find information on their own on Internet is via a search engine.  Thus, your content must be focused and organized in such a way that people looking for it will find it.

Search Engine Optimization cannot compensate for unpopular or hard to find content.  Since nearly all the popular search terms have been purchased by domain name squatters who have priced the addresses byeond the reach of mere mortals, you probably can’t take advantage of the #1 SEO Secret:  buying a domain name that *exactly* matches a popular search term gets you the #1 placement on most search engines.  The #2 secret?  Getting folks to link to your page.  The more sites and pages link to your site, the higher it will rank in the engine.

Being focused on what your site is for and what your message will be will get you farther in search engine rankings than nearly anything else.

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