
How usable is your site?  Is your content well-organized? Can people find what they are looking for?   Can people tell what parts of the site are text and what parts are hyperlinks?  Can people tell what they are going to see when they click a hyperlink on your site? Is the layout the same on every page? Is the navigation bar always in the same place? Does the navigation bar include a search form? Are all the links in the navigation bar properly grouped, categorized and labeled?  Do you have requirements to make your website accessible to those with disabilities? Knowing what the purpose and the goals will help you focus on what design elements are going to be the most critical to your visitors.

Navigation is key to a usable site, and a search form is a fallback for when visitor can’t find what they are looking for in your navigation links.  The key to good navigation is having a clear understanding of what purpose your site serves and what kinds of content you will have in your site.  Google and Yahoo both provide sample web page code you can add to your website that will add a search form to your website and let your visitors search your site. Don’t rely on a search engine.

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