
Friday, the InetDaemon.Com website crashed.  HTTP 500 errors all over the place and no WordPress, just blank error pages. Oh, NO! What do I do!?!

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My personal WordPress workflow:

  1. One-time Setup (First Time User)
    • Bookmark the New Post page.
    • Click Tools
    • Drag the Press This link to toolbar
    • Copy the Press This link and the New Post link to all browsers
  2. Spontaneous Post Ideas
    • Dream up an idea for a post
    • Click the New Post bookmark in my browser
    • Dump my idea
    • Click Save Draft
  3. Ideas from the World Wide Web
    • Browse the net for ideas
    • Click Press This
    • Dump a couple of sentences on why you chose to post on the item
    • Click Save Draft
  4. WordPress has a built-in “next post” function. Use a theme that supports it.
  5. If you have an idea for a series of posts, create placeholders for them all at once so the “next post” keeps them together.
  6. Multiple posts created in order can be read in sequence automatically
  7. Use the <!–more –> tag on your front page.
    I use something like this:
    <!–more FULL ARTICLE:  Teaser for the rest of the article–>
  8. Use the <!–nextpage–> tag to break the post into multiple pages if you go beyond a couple of paragraphs.
  9. Always Save Draft so you can take a break, come back later and do a proper job of editing.
  10. Schedule your posts. You may not blog regularly, but you can post regularly. Regularly scheduled postings gets your readers in the habit of coming back on specific days to look for new posts.
    • Click the Edit link next to “Publish immediately”
    • Set a future date
    • Click OK
    • Posts will appear automatically while you’re busy with something else.

This process allows me to capture my post ideas, flesh them out and schedule them to appear in series at a later date.

All right, so you’ve got a blog. Expect spam disguised as comments. Here’s how you block the comment, trackback and pingback spam. Continue reading

Use WordPress? Tired of updating your blog, updating LinkedIn and announcing the posts on Facebook, and Tweeting it? Want to be able to post once to your blog and have it posted to your Facebook wall, LinkedIn profile and announced on Twitter just by posting to WordPress? Want folks to share your site via Social Bookmarking?

Let InetDaemon show you how

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