Project Gutenberg

Project Gutenberg

I’ve been working on my own eBook that I will be releasing in 2012 focused on teaching people to protect themselves from online criminals, identity theft, parental controls, and how use the Internet safely.  I was doing research for the book when I stumbled across the obituary for Michael S. Hart, inventor of the eBook and Founder of Project Gutenberg who died September 8, 2011.  Michael Hart invented eBooks in 1971 and he founded Project Gutenberg as an organization dedicated to publishing electronic versions of books online in standard eBook reader, Adobe PDF and plain text formats, for anyone to download and read.  Project Gutenberg represents almost 40 years work by Michael and other volunteers to convert books and documents to eBook formats. Gutenberg contains documents and books which are no longer protected by copyright in the U.S. This includes the Harvard Classics Library, loads of classic fiction works by famous authors, important historical political documents such as the Magna Carta, U.S. Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution, and more, all free and freely available to anyone with a computer and an Internet connection.  If you have a Kindle, Nook, iPad or other eBook reader, you can thank Michael for eBooks.

Michael S. Hart Obituary at Project Gutenberg.

From M86 Security Labs comes a blog post showing ‘explosive’ growth in malicious spam, originating from the Cutwail, Festi and Asprox botnets.

Thought your Mac was secure?  Did you know it is possible to turn the battery into a dead brick, or worse, possibly make it overcharge? How about permanently infect your computer (at least until the battery is replaced)?

So you thought Mac OS X 10.7 “Lion” was secure,  and rushed right out and bought it?   Passware discovered that the logon password can be extracted from a Mac running OS X 10.7 Lion, even when the system is locked or asleep.

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