
Symantec estimates that 1/3 of all SPAM was stopped when Microsoft (with the assistance of the U.S. Marshals and a court order) took steps to shut down the Rustock botnet. Other botnets (Bagle, Festi, Cutwail, Lethic, Grum, Xarvester and others) are stepping into the void left by Rustock. Whether Rustock will remain 'dead', is unclear as the Rustock programmers and Rustock ringleaders are still unidentified and still at large. Continue reading

I was curious just how big the biggest, largest USB flash drive available would be. This is one of those fun sorts of searches that tells you how far technology has advanced. So far, looks like Kingston’s 256GB USB flash drive is as large as it gets, for the time being. The Kingston DataTraveler 310 is a USB Key with 256GB of storage (pictured below and sold on Amazon).  While I can find larger USB keys on Google, I can’t find them from a reputable memory or computer dealer.

Say goodbye to the old floppy disk. Does anybody carry them any more?


FROM: Magical Jelly Bean Software
RECOMMENDATION: Highly Recommended

Sometimes you have to recover the key to your Microsoft Windows OS, or your Windows Office install, or Photoshop etc.  The Magical Jelly Bean Keyfinder extracts license keys for you.  Even when you don’t, it’s a good idea to run this software, save the keys to a file, print the file and store it with your installation CD’s, just in case.

Screenshot: Magical Jelly Bean Keyfinder

Jelly Bean will extract, from the registry:

  • Windows 95, 98, ME, 2000, XP, Vista 7 license keys
  • Windows Servers 2000, 2003, 2008 license keys
  • Office XP, 2003, 2007 license keys
  • Even extracts license keys from the registry hive of any drive connected to the computer. Pull out the hard drive from a blown computer plug it into a working computer and recover the keys!
  • Save as .txt or .csv

Jelly Bean is free (as in free beer) and is open source and I highly recommend you download it, extract your keys to a file, print the file and store it somewhere safe with your installation CD’s, just in case.

I know, I know, I’ve warned you twice. But its that important.

One of our readers sent in this question:

What PC has the best state-of-the-art-system?

(UPDATED for 2014)

The PC with the Best, State of the Art system.

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