
Our new house has CATV and network wiring on the main floor but none of the network wiring is terminated (the previous owners stripped the jacks off the wires for some strange reason).  I originally deployed the entire suite of computers to my office. The list includes:

  • The root and secondary Windows AD domain controllers
  • Dual 21″ Flat Panels
  • The print server and printer
  • The RAID5 file server
  • All the four workstations
  • Three Laptops

My office is a small 10×12 room with only one A/C vent for cooling.  There’s barely enough room for me and the computer gear.  As a housewarming present, my Father-in-law purchased and installed a dual fan in the transom above the door to blow out the hot air all that hardware generates, but I can’t close the door or the room gets too warm.

I decided I should move my computer lab from my stuffy office to the freezing, air-conditioned basement. The move would lower my heat load in the office and maybe will moderate the temperature in the basement.   One of the first things I needed to do was to get some Category 6 cable pulled into the basement room.  My father-in-law has never pulled cable, and was curious and wanted to learn.  We got the cable pulled, I showed him how to terminate Cat 6 by putting one end on myself, then I let him terminate the other end. When he finished, we tested the cable and it works perfectly.

Now all I need to do is move the computers.

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