The process of running a parity check is as follows:

  1. The number of 1-bits is checked.
    1. Odd Parity
      1. If the number of 1-bits is odd, the parity bit is zero
      2. If the number of 1-bits is even, the parity bit is one
    2. Even Parity
      1. If the number of 1-bits is odd, the parity bit is one
      2. If the number of 1-bits is even, the parity bit is zero
  2. The data, and parity bit are transmitted
  3. The destination machine recalculates the value of the parity bit
  4. If the parity bit and the parity value of the data do not match, the received data is rejected and the receiving device requests the sender retransmit the data.


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