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  1. Finite State Model
    1. Idle
    2. Connect
    3. Active
    4. Open Sent
    5. Open Confirm
    6. Established
  2. Metrics
  3. Timers
  4. Advertisements
  5. Messages
    1. Open
    2. Keepalive
    3. Notification
    4. Update
      1. Network Layer Reachability Information (NLRI)
      2. AS-Path Attributes
        1. WEIGHT
        3. AS_PATH
        4. ORIGIN
        5. NEXTHOP
        6. METRIC
        7. MULTI_EXIT_DISC
        8. COMMUNITY
        9. CLUSTER_ID
  6. BGP Best Path Selection Algorithm
  7. Route Flaps and Route Dampening
  8. Cisco Nonstop Forwarding
    1. Routing Information Base
    2. Forwarding Informaton Base

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