Execution is the process of actually performing the actions described by the instructions in a computer program. A computer loads a program from where it is stored, reads the first instruction in the program and then does whatever the instruction says to do. This is called 'execution'.

A file that the computer can read and which instructs it to perform mathmatical or logical operations is called an executable file. When you double click on an executable file, it will automatically launch and run.

Here are some ways to use the term properly in sentences (the sentences are also true statements).

  • Instructions are executed by a computer processor.
  • Processors execute instructions one after another.
  • Execution begins after the program loads.
  • Software compilers read source code and produce a machine code file called an executable program.
  • Your operating system is composed of many files which are binary executables.
  • An executable is any file the computer can run.
  • The Windows operating system is a set of binary executables (files you can double click on and which will automatically run) in .exe, .bat, .com, .sys, .pif, .scr, .vbs, .asp.


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